SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
List of articles:
*complied by search of specific keywords
Abduh, M. (2018). Assessing the performance of Islamic banking in brunei darussalam: Evidence from 2011-20161. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue: ISLAMIC BANKING AND FINANCE, 171–189.
Abduh, M. (2020). Volatility of Malaysian conventional and Islamic indices: Does financial crisis matter? Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(1), 1–11.
Abdul Latif, S. N., Matzin, R., & Escoto-Kemp, A. (2021). The Development and Growth of Inclusive Education in Brunei Darussalam. In International and Development Education (pp. 151–175).
Abdul Nasir, H. H., Goh, H. P., Wee, D. V. T., Goh, K. W., Lee, K. S., Hermansyah, A., Al-Worafi, Y. M., & Ming, L. C. (2022). Economic Analysis of Patient’s Own Medication, Unit-Use and Ward Stock Utilization: Results of the First Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18).
Abdul Razak, L., Ibrahim, M. H., & Ng, A. (2023). Environment, social and governance (ESG) performance and CDS spreads: The role of country sustainability. Journal of Risk Finance.
Abekah-Koomson, I., Loon, P. W., Premaratne, G., & Yean, T. S. (2021). Total Factor Productivity Growth: Evidence from West African Economies. Global Business Review, 22(6), 1405–1420.
Adedokun, B. O., & Rashid, M. (2019). Harmonisation of Shari’ah Screening in International Markets: The Case of Nigeria. In Management for Professionals: Vol. Part F561 (pp. 71–84).
Ahsan Ullah, A. K. M. (2023). Academic diaspora response in crisis: An alternative approach. South Asian Diaspora, 15(2), 137–152.
Alam, M. (2020). Indonesian educated middle-class fathers’ preferences in pregnancy services at a private hospital. International Review of Sociology, 30(3), 539–560.
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Aminnuddin, N. A. (2019). Discriminatory attitude toward vulnerable groups in Singapore: Prevalence, predictors, and pattern. Journal of Behavioral Science, 14(2), 15–30.
Aminnuddin, N. A. (2020a). Ethnic differences and predictors of racial and religious discriminations among Malaysian Malays and Chinese. Cogent Psychology, 7(1).
Aminnuddin, N. A. (2020b). Perceiving university education as more important for men than for women: Gender differences and predictors of this perception in Muslim societies. Psychological Thought, 13(1), 99–126.
Ananta, A., & Arifin, E. N. (2021). International population mobility in East Asia. In Handbook on East Asian Economic Integration (pp. 110–136).
Arifin, E. N., & Ananta, A. (2023a). Employment of highly-skilled migrants during the pandemic: Focus on internal migration in Indonesia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 32(1), 60–82.
Arifin, E. N., & Ananta, A. (2023b). International Migration To, From, and Within D-8 Countries. In Economic Integration Among D-8 Muslim Countries: Prospects and Challenges (pp. 129–163).
Baker, P., Friel, S., Kay, A., Baum, F., Strazdins, L., & Mackean, T. (2018). What enables and constrains the inclusion of the social determinants of health inequities in government policy agendas? A narrative review. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(2), 101–111.
Banna, H., Kabir Hassan, M., & Rashid, M. (2021). Fintech-based financial inclusion and bank risk-taking: Evidence from OIC countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 75.
Bong, A., & Premaratne, G. (2019). The impact of financial integration on economic growth in Southeast Asia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6(1), 107–119.
Chattoraj, D. (2022). Mobilities and home: The notion of becoming insiders among the Sri Lankan Northern Tamil IDPs in Colombo. Mobilities, 17(4), 616–631.
Curaming, E. M., & Curaming, R. A. (2020). Gender (In)equality in English Textbooks in the Philippines: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Sexuality and Culture, 24(4), 1167–1188.
Curaming, R., & Alkaff, S. N. H. (2021). Shattering or Supporting Stereotypes? Examining Gender In/equality in English Language Textbooks in Brunei. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 22(4), 167–190.
Danlami, M. R., Abduh, M., & Abdul Razak, L. (2022). CAMELS, risk-sharing financing, institutional quality and stability of Islamic banks: Evidence from 6 OIC countries. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
Danlami, M. R., Abduh, M., & Abdul Razak, L. (2023). Social finance, institutional quality and stability of Islamic banks: Evidence from four countries. International Journal of Social Economics, 50(8), 1186–1216.
El Chaarani, H., & Raimi, L. (2022). Diversity, entrepreneurial innovation, and performance of healthcare sector in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(S1).
Farah, S. S., Alhaji, M. M., Ahmed, D., Alam, S., Johan, N. H., Zulkipli, I. N., Khalil, M. A., & Tan, J. (2018). Barriers to Kidney Transplantation as a Choice of Renal Replacement Therapy. Transplantation Proceedings, 50(10), 3165–3171.
Felix, J. J. (2021). Higher Education in Times of Instability and Disruption: Rethinking Notions of Values, Value Creation and Instructional Practices in Vietnam and beyond. Frontiers in Communication, 6.
Gan, W. H., & Koh, D. (2021). COVID-19 and Return-To-Work for the Construction Sector: Lessons From Singapore. Safety and Health at Work, 12(2), 277–281.
Guo, H., & Polak, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and Financial Technology FinTech: How AI Is Being Used Under the Pandemic in 2020. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (Vol. 935, pp. 169–186).
Haini, H., Abdullahi Abubakar, Y., & Wei Loon, P. (2023). Does institutional quality affect the relationship between income inequality and entrepreneurial activity? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(9–10), 870–892.
Haini, H., Musa, S. F. P. D., Wei Loon, P., & Basir, K. H. (2023). Does unemployment affect the relationship between income inequality and food security? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(1–2), 48–66.
Haini, H., Wei Loon, P., & Raimi, L. (2023). Does export structure enhance the growth gains from foreign investment? Evidence from the ECOWAS region. International Journal of Development Issues.
Hassan, N. H., Rigg, J., Azalie, I. A., Yong, G. Y. V., Zainuddin, N. H. H., & Shamsul, M. A. S. M. (2022). Making do and staying poor: The poverty context of Urban Brunei. Geoforum, 136, 132–141.
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Idris, P. S. R. P. H., Musa, S. F. P. D., & Sumardi, W. H. H. (2022). Halal-Tayyiban and Sustainable Development Goals: A SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 13(2).
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Izadi, S., Rashid, M., & Izadi, P. (2022). FDI inflow and financial channels: International evidence before and after crises. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 14(1), 24–42.
Jetin, B. (2018). Production networks of the Asian automobile industry: Regional or global? International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 18(4), 302–328.
Jetin, B., & Reyes Ortiz, L. (2020). Wage-led demand as a rebalancing strategy for economic growth in China. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 43(3), 341–366.
Kakembo, S. H., Ahmad, A. U. F., & Muneeza, A. (2022). Pioneering Islamic microfinance in Uganda: A sustainable poverty alleviation approach. In Islamic Finance in Africa (pp. 249–272).
King, V. T. (2022). Covid-19 and Transitions: Case Material from Southeast Asia. Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14(2), 27–59.
King, V. T., & Ooi, K. G. (2022). INTRODUCTION: Brunei’s Concerns. In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei (pp. 1–29).
King, V. T., Richards, G., & Ibrahim, Z. (2021). Conclusion. In Asia in Transition (Vol. 13, pp. 481–486).
Koh, D. (2020). Migrant workers and COVID-19. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77(9), 634–636.
Koh, K. S., Lim, H. S., Lim, J., Wei, Y., Minn, P. W., & Wong, J. (2022). Development and implementation of a national mobile health application: A case study from Brunei. Journal of Global Health, 12.
Koh, S. Y. (2022). Global competition over skills. In International Encyclopedia of Education: Fourth Edition (pp. 630–639).
Koh, S. Y., & Wissink, B. (2018). Enabling, structuring and creating elite transnational lifestyles: Intermediaries of the super-rich and the elite mobilities industry. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(4), 592–609.
Koomson-Abekah, I., & Nwaba, E. C. (2018). Africa-China investment and growth link. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 11(2), 132–150.
Kumari, S. N., & Tan, A. (2018). Modeling and forecasting volatility series: With reference to gold price. Thailand Statistician, 16(1), 77–93.
Kumpoh, A. (2022). “I WANT TO GO HOME, BUT I CAN’T LEAVE”: NARRATIVES OF THE SOUTH ASIAN DIASPORA IN BRUNEI DURING COVID-19. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 18(2), 37–69.
Lacheheb, Z., Ismail, N. W., Naseem, N. A. M., & Slesman, L. (2022). Remittance–institutional quality nexus: Curse or blessing. Studies in Economics and Finance, 39(4), 617–629.
Lian, K. F. (2019). International migration and the politics of multiculturalism in Japan, South korea and Singapore. In Asia in Transition (Vol. 8, pp. 157–175).
Lian, K. F., Hosoda, N., & Ishii, M. (2019). Introduction: Migrants in the middle east and asia. In Asia in Transition (Vol. 8, pp. 1–11).
Marutama, A., Tsaputra, A., & Pradipta, L. (2023). The influence of disability models in Indonesian past and present: Disability rights law-making and policy-making. In Research Handbook on Disability Policy (pp. 202–216).
Mensah, J. O., & Premaratne, G. (2018). Dependence patterns among Asian banking sector stocks: A copula approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 45, 357–388.
Ming, L. C., Azmi, N. H. R., Goh, H. P., Chaw, L. L., Goh, K. W., Elkudssiah Ismail, N., Paneerselvam, G. S., & Hermansyah, A. (2022). Cosmetics: What Do Bruneian Female Adults Believe? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17).
Mundia, L. (2020). Assessment of skills development in Brunei trainee teachers: Intervention implications. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(2), 685–698.
Mundia, L. (2022). Psychology Teacher Education in Brunei: Evolution, Development, Challenges, and Growth. In Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Innovations and Practices in Asia (pp. 379–397).
Musa, S. F. P. D. H., & Idris, D. S. R. P. H. (2019). Society for Community Outreach and Training (SCOT)‘s Green Xchange Project. In Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (pp. 155–161).
Naeem, M. Z., Arshad, S., Birau, R., Spulbar, C., Ejaz, A., Hayat, M. A., & Popescu, J. (2021). Investigating the impact of CO2emission and economic factors on infants health: A case study for Pakistan. Industria Textila, 72(1), 39–49.
Namoun, A., Humayun, M. A., BenRhouma, O., Hussein, B. R., Tufail, A., Alshanqiti, A., & Nawaz, W. (2023). Service Selection Using an Ensemble Meta-Learning Classifier for Students with Disabilities. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(5).
Norainie, A., Khairunnisa, H. I., & Norhazlin, M. (2022). WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM. In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei (pp. 327–340).
Petsalakis, M. E., Khalid, A. M., & Premaratne, G. (2021). EVALUATION of MONETARY POLICY in EMU through CREDIT CHANNELS INTERCONNECTEDNESS: EVIDENCE USING BLS DATA. Singapore Economic Review.
Polak, P., Masquelier, F., & Michalski, G. (2018). Towards treasury 4.0/the evolving role of corporate treasury management for 2020. Management (Croatia), 23(2), 189–197.
Polak, P., Nelischer, C., Guo, H., & Robertson, D. C. (2020). “Intelligent” finance and treasury management: What we can expect. AI and Society, 35(3), 715–726.
Rahman, M. M. (2018). Beyond labour migration: The making of migrant enterprises in Saudi Arabia. International Sociology, 33(1), 86–106.
Rizkiah, S. K., Disli, M., Salim, K., & Razak, L. A. (2021). Switching costs and bank competition: Evidence from dual banking economies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 75.
Roshid, M. M., & Le Ha, P. (2023). Higher education as public good, sustainable development goals, and crisis response in neoliberal political economy. Research in Comparative and International Education, 18(2), 317–347.
Roshid, M. M., Sultana, S., Kabir, M. M. N., Jahan, A., Khan, R., & Haider, M. Z. (2022). Equity, fairness, and social justice in teaching and learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
Sabiu, T. T., & Abduh, M. (2020). ISLAMIC FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA: A BOUNDS TESTING APPROACH. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 6(3), 597–620.
Slesman, L. Y. (2021). Does foreign aid promote democratic institutions in post-conflict cambodia? Evidence from ARDL bounds testing approach. Singapore Economic Review.
Tamanni, L., & Haji Besar, M. H. A. (2019). Profitability vs Poverty alleviation: Has banking logic influences Islamic microfinance institutions? Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 4(2), 260–279.
Tan, C. S., Lokman, S., Rao, Y., Kok, S. H., & Ming, L. C. (2021). Public and private sectors collective response to combat COVID-19 in Malaysia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14(1).
Ullah, A. A., Hasan, N. H., Mohamad, S. M., & Chattoraj, D. (2021). Privileged migrants and their sense of belonging: Insider or outsider? Asian Journal of Social Science, 49(3), 161–169.
Ullah, A. A., & Nawaz, F. (2020). Surrogacy-led migration: Reflections on the policy dilemmas. Public Administration and Policy, 23(2), 157–171.
Ullah, A. K. M. A. (2018a). Geopolitics of Conflicts and Refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 5(3), 258–274.
Ullah, A. K. M. A. (2018b). Skill drain from ASEAN countries: Can sending countries afford? International Journal of Development Issues, 17(2), 205–219.
Ullah, A. K. M. A., Akram Hossain, M., & Huque, A. S. (2022). Non-Conventional Migration: An Evolving Pattern in South Asia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 57(2), 335–351.
Ullah, A. K. M. A., & Alkaff, S. N. H. (2018). Biological Remittance Among Migrant Workers: Social Ramifications in the Philippines and Indonesia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 53(6), 896–916.
Ullah, A. K. M. A., Alkaff, S. N. H., Lee, S. C. W., Chattoraj, D., & Ferdous, J. (2023). Globalization and Migration: The Great Gender Equalizer? Journal of International Women’s Studies, 25(3).
Ullah, A. K. M. A., & Chattoraj, D. (2022). THE PLIGHT OF MYANMAR’S ROHINGYA CHILDREN. In Routledge Handbook of Islam in Southeast Asia (pp. 190–202).
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Umar, U. H. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BOARD INDEPENDENCE AND CSR SPENDING OF ISLAMIC BANKS IN BANGLADESH. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 8(2), 201–218.
Umar, U. H., Abduh, M., & Besar, M. H. A. (2023a). Audit committee attributes and Islamic bank risk-taking behavior. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(6), 868–886.
Umar, U. H., Abduh, M., & Besar, M. H. A. (2023b). Standalone risk management committee, risk governance diversity and Islamic bank risk-taking. Risk Management, 25(3).
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Umar, U. H., Besar, M. H. A., & Abduh, M. (2023). Compatibility of the CSR practices of Islamic banks with the United Nations SDGs amidst COVID-19: A documentary evidence. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 39(3), 629–647.
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