Office of Assistant Vice-Chancellor Research (OAVCR)

Seminar series "Brunei Darussalam – Towards a Sustainable Future"

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) hosted a seminar series titled “Brunei Darussalam – Towards a Sustainable Future” on June 4, 2024, at Ruang Bicara Minda, Main Library Lobby. The event brought together experts, students, and stakeholders to discuss critical sustainability issues and foster collaboration for a greener future.

The seminar series featured four prominent speakers who presented on various aspects of sustainability. Mr. Mohammad Yusri bin Yahya, Head of the SDG Unit at the Prime Minister’s Office, kicked off the series with a talk on “Sustainable Development: Why Does It Matter?” He underscored the significance of sustainable practices and their impact on Brunei’s long-term prosperity. Prof. Dr. Johan Willem Frederik Slik, Professor in Environmental Life Sciences at UBD, followed with an engaging presentation titled “How Many Plants Do We Have in Brunei?” He shared insights into Brunei’s rich plant biodiversity and ongoing research efforts to catalog the nation’s flora.

Dr. Angela Tritto, Assistant Professor of Biodiversity and Human-Nature Interactions at UBD, discussed “Waste Management, Recycling, and Circular Economy in Brunei: Placing UBD at the Centre of Sustainability Efforts.” Her presentation highlighted the university’s role in promoting sustainable waste management and recycling practices. Prof. Scott Victor Valentine, Professor of Entrepreneurship at UBD, concluded the series with his visionary talk, “What Might Brunei Look Like Under a Circular Economy?” He explored the transformative potential of adopting a circular economy model for Brunei, emphasizing its benefits for the environment and economy.

The event attracted around 100 participants, including Assistant Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, stakeholders, government officials, and students. The diverse audience reflected the widespread interest and commitment to sustainability within the UBD community and beyond. The seminar series aimed to promote awareness and education on environmental challenges and sustainable practices. It also sought to foster collaboration and dialogue, empowering attendees to take meaningful action towards sustainability. The event provided a valuable networking platform, facilitating connections among professionals, organizations, and community leaders.

An interactive Q&A session followed the presentations, allowing attendees to engage directly with the speakers and discuss their insights and ideas. Representatives from green companies such as EnEvo Sdn Bhd, Shaliz Waste Recycling Sdn Bhd, Crop Culture, and Tebalik Plastik were also present, offering insights into their sustainable practices and contributions to environmental conservation.


The seminar series “Brunei Darussalam – Towards a Sustainable Future” successfully created a platform for meaningful dialogue and action on sustainability issues. The event educated and inspired attendees, reinforcing the community’s commitment to a sustainable future. 

You can view the slides from the seminar here.